Friday, January 28, 2011

New project launching "esl4moms"

As I move through the years of my life and my career as an ESL instructor, my professional focus evolves as well. In the past 4 years I have welcomed into my life my two daughters, Adrianna 3 and Amelie 1. I have learned to expand my heart and my energy in more ways than I thought imaginable. In this brief time, I have learned that women who become mothers need a special kind of support -one that is nurturing.  Just as they nurture their little ones, moms also must be made to feel special. They need encouragement to make their needs just as important as their children's needs. Sometimes they need a gentle reminder of who they are deep inside, and sometimes all they need is someone to listen. Moms also need to feel that their dreams and goals are still within reach.

Where do I come in? My job is two-fold: first, as an English instructor, to help moms communicate to their satisfaction in English in a comfortable, supportive environment. Next, as a coach, to listen to each mom's story as she takes the special journey of motherhood, and to be understanding to the challenges she faces as she tries to balance everything in her life. If she desires to make changes, I will guide her to listen to her heart. That's where her love for herself and her family reside and that's where all 'right' decisions come from.

If you'd like to visit my site, please go to
- I also have begun a blog on this site. Thanks!

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